Dogs are the best friend of humans. When they suffer their humans suffer too. One of the major diseases in dogs isa canine liver disease which is caused due to the malfunctioning of the liver. When your dog’s liver stops working its part properly, your dog might be a victim of liver disease. The common Symptoms of Liver Disease in Dogs are seizures, vomiting, loss of appétit, and excessive urine. Your dog can be cured of this disease by a slight change in its diet. Keeping in mind all the nutrition it needs, you have away out to cure your dog and give it a healthy life.

What causes canine liver disease

We generally feed our dog packageddog food and rarely worry that they might need something more. Dog food provides some amount of nutrition but what if they need more. The packaged food lacks the exact amount of nourishment a dog needs to stay healthy. A diet that does not have the proper amount of copper and zinc in it can lead to a damaged liver resulting in thebad health for your dog. A proper nutritious Dog Diet with all the perfect nutrients like copper, zinc, protein, and fat can help your dog recover. Sometimes a high level of fat-based diet can also help reduce liver disease in your dog.

Diet you need to follow

Taking proper care of your dog also means that you need to keep a strict eye on its diet. Every dog has its metabolism but there are a few basic things that are the same for all dogs. The acids in a dog’s body are way stronger than that in humans and so they can easily digest raw food. Feeding your dog raw food will not cause any harm, in fact, it is a good way to let Mother Nature take her course. What packaged food cannot provide is provided by the raw meat and raw vegetables increasing the energy level in your dog and making it healthier.

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